Platform Core .NET Assemblies API
BaseFlowSchemaGenerator<T> Class Members
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Terrasoft.Core.Process Namespace : BaseFlowSchemaGenerator<T> Class

Glossary Item Box

The following tables list the members exposed by BaseFlowSchemaGenerator<T>.

Public Fields

Public Properties

Public PropertyExpressionConvertorsGets the read-only list of conversion methods.  
Public Propertystatic (Shared in Visual Basic)ZeroWidthSpaceCharacterThe zero-width space is a non-printing character.  

Public Methods

Public MethodFindProcessSchemaParameterFinds the process schema parameter by its map info.  
Public MethodGenerate  
Public MethodGetParametrizedProcessSchemaElementGets the parametrized process schema element by the its identifier.  
Public MethodGetParametrizedSchemaElementsReturns the process schema elements that implement IProcessParametersMetaInfo.  
Public MethodGetProcessSchemaParameterOverloaded.   
Public MethodTryGenerateGenerates a new flow schema. A returned value indicates whether the generation succeeded or failed.  
Public MethodTryGetProcessItemNameAttempts to get process schema parameter name or process element parameter name.  
Public MethodTryGetResultParameterValueTypeAttempts to get type of schema result parameter value.  

See Also

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